Testogen is a dietary supplement manufactured by Muscle Club, a U.K.-based supplement company specializing in fitness products, including Black Wolf and ProCut. Testogen is the manufacturer’s flagship product, claiming to boost testosterone production naturally, without the need for illegal steroids or testosterone replacement therapy.
Testogen comes in capsule form, but Muscle Club also sells booster drops that you can take alongside the main supplement. The manufacturer claims that the drops work almost immediately to raise testosterone levels and work synergistically with the Testogen capsules to boost testosterone levels.
But does Testogen actually work as well as the company claims or is it just a waste of money? In this Testogen review, we’ll cover everything you need to know about this testosterone booster!
The Benefits of Taking Testogen Testosterone Booster
According to the manufacturer, Testogen’s proprietary blend of 11 natural ingredients can improve various aspects of men’s health, leading to better overall wellbeing.
Increase Energy and Stamina
Testogen contains several ingredients that increase stamina and energy levels. Boron and zinc are two key minerals that boost the body’s testosterone production while also boosting ATP and cellular restoration, ensuring that you have more energy during the day.
Build Muscle and Strength
Testosterone is an essential hormone that controls muscle growth, leading to increased strength and larger muscles.
Testosterone promotes the secretion of human growth hormone (HGH), responsible for speeding up muscle growth after exercise. A combination of normal testosterone levels and increased HGH means that you get a stronger muscle-building effect from weight training.
This increased effect means you put on muscle faster, which translates into better gym performance, which results in even bigger muscle growth. It’s a self-reinforcing cycle that testosterone supplements can kickstart and enhance as long as you maintain the right exercise and diet plan.
Increase Sex Drive
Testosterone plays a vital role in libido and sexual performance. Low testosterone can play a role in erectile dysfunction, low sex drive, and many other male reproductive concerns.
Raising testosterone levels to normal concentrations can restore typical sex drive and function, which can feel like a massive boost if you’ve previously suffered from low testosterone levels.
Burn Stubborn Body Fat
Testosterone and estrogen both play a massive role in fat metabolism. Estrogen is responsible for fat accumulation, especially around the abdomen and legs. Abnormally high estrogen levels can lead to weight gain and fat that is very difficult to shift.
By balancing your estrogen and testosterone concentration naturally, Testogen makes it easier to burn off existing fat and will ensure that you don’t put on stubborn fat. Also, increased muscle mass has the benefit of raising your basal metabolic rate, meaning that you’ll start to lose weight by simply maintaining your current workout routine and diet.
Testogen Ingredients
Many of the herbal extracts and ingredients in Testogen work together to increase testosterone levels naturally. No Testogen review would be complete without an overview of the 11 ingredients that go into the supplement and how they assist in producing testosterone naturally and safely.
D-Aspartic Acid
D-aspartic acid (DAA) is an amino acid that plays a vital role in testosterone production as an amino acid regulator of luteinizing hormone production in the pituitary gland. Luteinizing hormone stimulates Leydig cells in the testes to create testosterone, suggesting that increased DAA levels would increase testosterone levels.
Most of the evidence of D-aspartic acid supplementation raising testosterone concentration comes from clinical trials in rats, which led to studies in human athletes. Unfortunately, the picture gets a bit more confused in humans.
Several small clinical trials show that DAA supplementation doesn’t affect basal or free testosterone levels, even though it does impact strength gain. To make matters even more confusing, other studies show that DAA improves testosterone levels in untrained men.
This type of confusion is unfortunately common in the natural supplement industry, and only more studies will provide a clearer picture of DAA’s real effectiveness as a testosterone level enhancer. It’s likely that DAA will increase testosterone in low-T individuals but will have less effect on people who already have normal or above-normal levels.
Fenugreek Extract
Fenugreek extract is rich in useful compounds, some of which may help the body release testosterone. The extract contains saponins, which are compounds that prevent the metabolism of testosterone into estrogen. By preventing this conversion, fenugreek extract restores natural T levels while also combating the effects of high estrogen, making it easier to lose body fat and put on high-quality muscle mass.
Na rozdíl od jiných bylinných extraktů má pískavice mnoho vědecké podpory, což z ní dělá jednu z mála složek, které mají klinicky prokázané účinky na nízkou hladinu testosteronu u mužů. Nedávná metaanalýza přezkoumala mnoho klinických studií a ukázala, že extrakt z pískavice má vliv na celkovou koncentraci testosteronu v séru u mužů.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 je vitamin rozpustný v tucích, který vaše tělo přirozeně produkuje, když je vystaveno slunečnímu záření. Hlavní funkcí vitaminu D je kontrolovat vstřebávání vápníku a fosforu a podporovat normální funkci imunitního systému.
Nedostatek vitaminu D je překvapivě častý a může vést ke zvýšené únavě, slabosti kostí, bolesti svalů a osteoporóze. Nízká hladina vitaminu D může také ovlivnit hladinu testosteronu a negativně ovlivnit mužský reprodukční systém.
Doplnění vitaminu D může zmírnit příznaky nízké hladiny testosteronu a zlepšit hladinu energie a sexuální výkonnost.
Zinek je základní minerál, který hraje zásadní roli při udržování zdraví Leydigových buněk, které jsou zodpovědné za skutečnou produkci testosteronu. Zatímco přidání více zinku do vaší stravy nezvýší koncentraci volného testosteronu, pokud již máte dostatek zinku, 31 % světové populace trpí nedostatkem zinku. A pokud nepřijímáte dostatek zinku, budete pravděpodobně trpět nízkou hladinou testosteronu a všemi souvisejícími příznaky.
Testogen zajišťuje, že získáte dostatek zinku pro boj s nízkou hladinou testosteronu a pro podporu normální funkce.
Extrakt z korejského červeného ženšenu
Korejský červený ženšen neboli Panax ginseng je známé afrodiziakum a zlepšovačem nálady. Studie ukazují, že suplementace korejským červeným ženšenem může zlepšit libido a zmírnit příznaky erektilní dysfunkce (ED), především díky jeho účinku na neurotransmitery dopamin a acetylcholin u potkanů.
Zatímco hlavní vliv extraktu korejského červeného ženšenu je na libido, je to jedna ze složek přípravku Testogen kvůli jeho účinku na produkci luteinizačního hormonu a hladiny dihydrotestosteronu (DHT).
Extrakt ženšenu Panax může také působit na produkci oxidu dusnatého, který zvyšuje průtok krve u potkanů. I když je to jeden ze způsobů, jak může extrakt potenciálně zmírnit příznaky ED, zvýšená produkce oxidu dusnatého také vede k lepšímu výkonu v posilovně a vyššímu nárůstu síly.
Bór je důležitý minerál, který ovlivňuje četné pohlavní hormony, včetně estradiolu a globulinu vázajícího pohlavní hormony (SHBG). Estradiol je analog estrogenu a příliš mnoho může ovlivnit syntézu testosteronu a metabolismus tuků. SHBG reguluje hladiny T v krvi vazbou na přebytečný testosteron. Snížením množství SHBG, které vaše tělo produkuje, můžete uvolnit více volného testosteronu a zažít výhody pro budování svalů, hubnutí a energii plynoucí z ideální koncentrace testosteronu.
Boron also assists with vitamin D and magnesium absorption, ensuring that you stay energized and perform optimally during your workouts.
Nettle Leaf Extract
Nettle leaf extract contains lignans that interfere with the action of sex hormone-binding globulin. These lignans bind to SHBG, preventing it from binding to testosterone and inactivating it. While testosterone metabolism is an important function, slightly reducing the amount of SHBG can increase free testosterone levels in your bloodstream.
Nettle leaf lignans also slow down the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, also contributing to a higher testosterone concentration and stronger muscle growth.
Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in your body and affects several pathways, including sex hormone production. What makes magnesium supplementation unique is that it affects T levels in both active and non-active men alike and has a stronger effect in individuals who already exercise.
Many herbal extracts and ingredients can alleviate the effects of low testosterone but don’t have much of an effect on individuals with typical testosterone concentrations. Magnesium is different and can increase testosterone production in healthy adult males.
Many people suffer from a slight magnesium deficiency and may not even know it. That’s why most testosterone supplements, including Testogen, contain a generous dose to ensure you get your recommended daily dose.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is part of the family of water-soluble B-vitamins. Your body can’t synthesize this vitamin, meaning you need to get enough through your diet. Vegetarians and vegans, in particular, struggle to get adequate amounts of B vitamins, and their deficiency can lead to a wide range of problems.
Individuals with vitamin B deficiency experience poor moods and suffer from fatigue and brain fog. Low vitamin B6 levels also correlate with elevated estrogen and lowered T levels in vitamin deficient rats.
Vitamin K1
While vitamin K is an essential blood-clotting factor and may improve bone density, the main reason for including it in Testogen is because it assists with vitamin D absorption.
Vitamin K supplements can interfere with certain medications, including blood thinners, antibiotics, antacids, and some cancer medications, so consult your physician before starting a vitamin K supplement.
Bioperine, or piperine, is a black pepper extract that assists in absorption. It can increase the bioavailability of other ingredients by up to 3o%, meaning that you get more bang for your buck and need to take fewer capsules to get the same result.
Piperine also increases carbohydrate and fat metabolism in mice, especially during exercise. This means that piperine may also enhance the effects of your workout, leading to higher amounts of lean muscle mass and lower fat accumulation during bulking.
Testogen Side Effects
Testogen only uses natural ingredients that are on the FDA’s “Generally Recognized as Safe” list. These ingredients don’t have any known side effects, and most people tolerate the supplement very well. As long as you aren’t allergic to any of the ingredients, the chances of experiencing side effects with Testogen are very slim.
Most anabolic steroids have severe side effects that come from incredibly high free testosterone levels that start to interfere with the body’s natural processes. In essence, anabolic steroids put the body into overdrive, leading to many of the well-known side effects of steroids, including gynecomastia, baldness, aggression, and eventual liver and heart failure.
The only time you should consider using anabolic steroids is during medical testosterone therapy under the supervision of a medical professional.
Since Testogen works by encouraging the body into higher testosterone production, you’ll never experience the same type of overdrive. While this means you’ll never get the same muscle-building effects as with an illegal steroid, it does mean that Testogen is much safer for both short-term and long-term use.
However, while the risk of side effects is small, it’s still important to consult with a medical professional before starting a testosterone enhancer. Some of the ingredients may interact with certain medications or conditions, and getting the all-clear from a physician will ensure that you get all the benefits of Testogen without any potential drawbacks.
Where to Buy Testogen
The only place to buy Testogen is via the company’s official website. Not only does this guarantee that you’ll get a legitimate product, but you can also take advantage of bulk-buy offers and discounts. The site also offers free global shipping and a generous returns policy, allowing you to try Testogen risk-free.
The Cost of Testogen
A one-month bottle of Testogen costs $59.99 and comes with three gifts and free shipping. However, you can save more money by taking advantage of the multi-buy offers, such as buying a two-month supply and getting one month free. The best offer is the buy-three, get-two-free promotion that can save you almost 40% off the price of a month’s supply.
We recommend starting with a buy-two, get-one free offer and seeing if you like the effect of this natural supplement. If you do, you can bulk buy so save as much money as possible, but if you don’t, you can take advantage of the 100-day money-back guarantee and only pay for return shipping of the empty and full containers.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do You Take Testogen?
Users should take four Testogen capsules in the morning, around 20 – 30 minutes before breakfast. The manufacturer also recommends combining Testogen capsules with liquid Testogen Instant Booster Drops, which provide an extra energy kick and jumpstart natural testosterone production.
How Long Does Testogen Take to Work?
According to the manufacturer, most people should start to see results within two weeks of regular supplementation. Since the supplement works by increasing natural testosterone production, the longer you take the supplement, the better your results.
If you want faster, short-term benefits, consider using the liquid Testogen drops that provide an instant, energizing effect. By combining the capsules and drops, you should see visible muscle gain in just a few weeks.
Do You Need to Cycle Off Testogen?
No. The main reason why you need to cycle off anabolic steroids is that they start to interfere with natural testosterone production. If you don’t cycle off anabolic steroids, you’ll eventually stop producing natural testosterone and experience the unwanted health drawbacks of low T.
As Testogen is a natural testosterone booster, it doesn’t have the same dramatic impact on your body, and while it will boost testosterone levels, they will still remain within a healthy range. This means that you can continue to use Testogen for weeks, months, and even years on end with no need to worry about cycling your intake.
Is Testogen a Steroid?
No. Steroids increase testosterone levels directly, leading to quick and visible results. Testogen, and other natural testosterone boosters, work by encouraging your body to increase its natural production of testosterone, leading to better control over free testosterone levels and fewer potential side effects or hazards.
Is Testogen Legal?
Yes. Most testosterone boosters are dietary supplements and are easily available and legal to buy without a prescription.
Final Thoughts
As part of the natural aging process, men start to lose their ability to produce testosterone. Men over 30 can expect to lose 1% of their testosterone production per year, which can lead to the symptoms of low testosterone as they get older. While severe cases may need formal testosterone replacement therapy, many individuals can restore healthy testosterone levels with diet, exercise, and supplementation.
Testogen is an excellent testosterone supplement that can support healthy testosterone levels, leading to better gym performance, increased strength, improved libido, and higher levels of lean muscle mass. No matter what your goals are, Testogen is a perfect place to start your journey into testosterone boosters.
click here to order Testogen from the official website »